
Week 1 Class Newsletter Room 9 / 10

Welcome back to 2017!
This year Room 9 and 10 are continuing to collaborate, forming the Pikopiko Learning Community. We will be developing the children’s skills in collaborative learning and self-management. This means the children will have opportunities to choose their own work space and have the benefit of working with two teachers. They will also have opportunities to direct their own learning. We are excited about the learning journey that the children will have this year.

Our Learning
Our class blog is up and running. Please check our blog for updates, which we will use weekly to inform you of what is happening and for the children will show off their learning.
Room 9 / 10 blog:

Reading: From week 3 we will be learning how to be part of a reading group and setting up our routines for the year ahead. We are doing reading interchange with room 7, 8, 9 & 10. This means your child may be with a different teacher for reading and phonics. Children will have an opportunity to meet their reading teacher on Friday this week. Children will receive books or poems daily for home reading. More independent readers will receive longer books weekly, as well as having access to our school library to choose books of their interest.

Writing: Term 1 is all about Story Telling. The children will be learning the fundamentals of creating a piece of independent writing through listening and acting out well known stories. We will be focusing on quality story mapping and shared writing, then independent writing.

Maths: We will be starting the year looking at statistics and the children will learn some basic graphing. Our formal maths groups will begin later in the term. Children will have a chance to develop problem solving skills over the year to tackle problems in multiple ways.

Swimming: Our swimming times have been confirmed for Term 1. On a Thursday and Friday the          
children will have an opportunity to swim in our school pool.
Please ensure that everything is named and your child has togs and a towel in a named bag ready for swimming days. Our first swim day will be Friday the 10th of February.

Library Time:
Rm 9 & 10 Thursday

Home learning: Children will receive their home learning in Week 3. Their book will have weekly basic facts to complete and an optional Term 1 Home Learning Journey. Please make sure your child’s reading folder is at school daily, nightly reading is essential.

Oderings School Garden Show:
This year our Year 2/3 team will be leading the school in a school garden exhibition piece.
The theme for the show is ‘Once Upon a Time…’  and we have chosen our garden theme as ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
We will be planting, and preparing for the Show for the first part of the term.
We need: Any old milk bottles, 1.5 or 2L bottles for planting seeds
If you are free to help, or have a passion for gardening please let me know as we would appreciate your help.
The Oderings Garden Show is being held at the Woolston Club between
Thursday 9th – Sunday 12th March. The Show is open to the public so we encourage family and friends to come along to support us.
We will be walking down to view the Show on Friday 10th March. We will need parent helpers for our walk (unfortunately this is unsuitable for pre schoolers).
We are anticipating this will be a fun learning experience for our children.

Our Community:
A big part of the beginning of every year is always about setting up routines with the children. Our community traffic light takes note of how your child is getting on each day. Every day children will begin on ‘green’ (Mindful Thinking) as the day progresses children will move up or down our traffic light dependant on their mindfulness towards themselves and others. Ask your child what colour they have been on for the day. We will be building our cooperative skills by learning about each other and the skills to be a ‘Mindful’ learner in Term 1.

We have communal stationery for the rooms. There may be some items which the children will name and keep separate. Please bring in your stationery pack as you get it, so we can begin learning in books rather than on paper as soon as possible. Let us know if there are any problems or confusion with orders.

Te Ara Tika 
Term 1: Manaakitanga-Respect
The children will be working towards establishing, maintaining and contributing to respectful class and school community relationships.

News & Sharing
Each week we set aside time on a Monday and Friday for children to share news. Feel free to email pictures through to us for your child to talk about at sharing time. If there is something spectacular that needs sharing please come in and let us know!

At any point during the school year if you could kindly send your child to school with a box of tissues to be used in class, this would be greatly appreciated.

Contact us
Please don’t hesitate to contact us or come in and speak with us in person.


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